Dear Clients and Friends,
It’s the first week in March and after a couple days (finally) of above freezing temperatures, the thermometer has bottomed out again. We’ve been in a wet pattern of Winter storms that blow in every Tuesday and blankets our area with more snow. It’s been a real Winter, cold, white, and bleak. I can’t remember a time when I’ve kept my eye more focused on the prize of Spring. Do any of you feel that way? Like we just need to get through this Winter, and things- all things- will begin to get better.

There are a few things I am looking forward to this month (technically still Winter) that I thought I would share with you all.
If you happen to see a copy of Berkshire Magazine’s Spring Edition, which will come out around March 8th, look for me in its pages. They have done a feature on Hartland Designs! I’ve given them drawings and photographs of my work, but ultimately have no idea what footage they will decide to include with the article. So it will be a pleasant surprise for all of us.

If any of you happen to be members of the Lenox Garden Club, I am a guest lecturer on March 3rd. The theme will be Container Gardens and Beyond. An honest look at my design successes and “failures” of annuals in containers and gardens. I’ve been working annuals into my gardenscapes for so long I’ve had a lot of footage to comb through to try to pare it down but also make it really fun. Seeing all that color after such a bleak winter will remind everyone what they have to look forward to.
And just in case you need some color right now. Here are some pictures of a few spring flowering bulbs. You will be seeing something similar in your own landscapes (If I’ve done my job) in late April.
March is the month I send out all my maintenance contracts. Look for that as well in your inbox. And let’s hope for an early Spring. We always shoot to start our season the first week in April. Because of weather and COVID, we’ve been 2 weeks late the last 2 years.

Rebekah Lamphere
Hartland Designs Inc